Adopt an Annie
Every time our Take Heart Australia trainers teach High-Quality CPR (HQ-CPR) to a group of Australians, we use our Laerdal Mini Anne inflatable mannequins. Although these little inflatable people are pretty robust, and are resistant to the stresses of HQ-CPR and the general battering we give them as we train our community in saving a life, they do quite quickly get worn out. Some groups of people, particularly schools who take part in our LittleHearts and Take Heart Heroes programs, like to have their own Annies to use whenever there is teaching. Take Heart Australia is offering you the chance to Adopt-an-Annie, or even a group of Annies, add your name or company logo, and help us in our mission to save the 90% of cardiac arrest victims who do not survive.
Contact us to talk about our Adopt-an-Annie plans.